Show HN: Poker over SSH


9 points by theOGognf 18 hours ago | 2 comments

I've been interested in making a TUI application and learning Rust for a while now. Since some friends and family started playing poker, I found it a good opportunity to make my "learning Rust" project a poker TUI app. Inspired by, I also wanted to make something that could be connected to and played with just using SSH. For me, poker is usually with friends and family, so I focused the app's target audience to be private, small-scale games, avoiding the headaches associated with scaling to some massive web-based platform.

Big thanks again to the folks that've already taught me some cool things about Rust and UI design.

skeptrune 14 hours ago |

Really fun. What was your experience w/ Rust and Clap like?

theOGognf 7 hours ago | root | parent |

Ive come to like coding in Rust a lot more than any other language Ive tried. It is really nice having a ton of tooling out of the box that helps the development experience (formatting, linting, rich compiler errors and suggestions, etc). I also like the way options and errors are handled. At first, I found it annoying that you have to effectively unpack or match anytime you have an error, but I’ve come to enjoy that strictness because it just made the development more confident

Clap isn’t too bad. It feels a lot like argparse in Python, so it felt familiar. I did like the functions it exposes and the customizations it has as it helped me use it for matching against poker commands in the TUI